Monday, April 30, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is how we roll

Little frog legs hanging out of their stroller during our big trip to Rices Market. Beautiful weather for our outting

Their first man-jewelry. Their Popop Mark would be so proud

So wrong but I had to...

Love the Brody's head tilt as he takes in a distinguished piece of literature "Find Elmo"

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Brody's come hither look

Cameron hard at work sleeping while I'm feeding him. More food outside than in... Literally

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I'm hiding in here somewhere!

Working out again for the first time since pregnant and feeling good! Excited about having that away time by myself and working towards getting back to ME

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Happy 30th to me!

Thanks to my hub and mommies my feared 30th turned out to be a beautiful birthday weekend. I spa'd big on Friday. We slept away from the boys for the first time ever at Hotel Palomar and had one of the best meals of my life at Vetri. We shopped the next day ( and of course bought things for B and C) and then went home to squeeze the monsters. Sunday I was surprised by some fantastic and thoughtful ladies and whisked off to yet another lunch and spa. Not often that I have said this in the last 18 months but this weekend I felt like one lucky girl. Big thanks to those who went the extra mile to make me feel extra special. I think a well deserved retreat.

All my love and gratitude

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Anniversary

3 years ago today Brett and I got married. It seems like just yesterday time wise but a lifetime ago on terms of lifestyle. We were so young, happy and carefree. I feel like we even looked like different people then. We were married in our Jewish and legal ceremony on the 12th but preparing for the real party in Mexico which was truly the time of our lives... April 29 is the anniversary we have decided to celebrate... What an amazing day/week that was. Trip down memory lane in pictures to come on the 29th.

We had NO idea that life would take us here but there is no better team who could make it through this still able to laugh through he tears and unite to continue fighting for our babies and eachother.

Love you dadadadada

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Picture catch up


Taking in a good read

Brody sporting the hawk

Brody pre-bronch. We were all much happier before getting the news

Cam and Daddy doing what they do best.

Cam wiped after screaming for 16 hours straight before we were finally able to get him to the ER

Skinny baby after being sick for a week

Cam and P3 on Passover

Cam eating ice cream! Big step with his feeding issues but still a very very very long way to go in this department

YouTube Video

My new Ergo baby carrier. A Campack!

Brody feeding Tracey her lunch

YouTube Video

Brody wiped out in his adorable white capris

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Took a while to write on this topic as usual, once the boys get better I wind up super sick from being run down and stressed. We made a last minute decision to put together a quickie Passover meal Saturday after getting home from the hospital Friday we whipped together a little something. No sedar, no religion really... Just some family and some food and some healthy kids. In lieu of the four questions this year I shared my prayer from the days when I prayed...

My views on the topic of religion have changed quite a bit since going through this experience but that is not a conversation that is open for discussion. What I will share is this prayer that no matter what I believe or do not believe, this has literally been in my back pocket for the last 19 months.

May the One who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah- bless and heal Brody and Cameron sons of Brett and Melissa

May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon them, to restore them, to heal them, to strengthen them, to enliven them

May God send them speedily, a complete healing-healing of the soul and a healing of the body-along with all who are ill, among the people of Israel and all humankind, soon, speedily, without delay and let us all say-Amen.

I began reading this when I was in the hospital on bed rest praying for the boys to make it and safely. I read this when we were in Michigan waiting to hear if Cameron would be blind or sighted. I haven't read it much since as I have gotten caught up in the every day happenings around here and my beliefs have wavered. On Passover I picked it up again and was reminded after Brody's recent news of how much is still out of our control and how much hope I still have to hold on to... And how I need to dig deep to find faith in something bigger again.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'll take the Pedialyte and my brother will have the IV fluids with a Zofran kicker

A week of vommitting and liquid out the other end and they are both weak, vitamin depleted and miserable. We are all settled in for our first family overnight together! I told them as we drove to the hospital with the sunroof open and the wind blowing through their hair that we are driving halfway to the shore ( aka The Hotel, aka The Ritz, or as the rest of you know it-the luxurious Children's Hospital of Philadelphia).
I once thought we would find a sense of freedom in all of this, eventually go out and have fun and enjoy life and then here and there go in for a surgery or "tweak" as I liked to put my dry humor spin on everything. I'm coming to realize that this is more of a way of life for us and isn't changing any time soon. Staying healthy now means bridging the gap from surgery to surgery and not "fun outdoor time to discover the world". But to each their own and for at least the near future... This is ours.
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Room for two please

Back to Hotel Chop. Dropped off Cam and now going back home for Brody. They are so so so sick with a GI bug and keeping nothing down so it's time to check in to our city view suite-2 cribs-no smoking.

I joke so I don't completely lose it. We are so past breaking points...

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Soooo sick

Both kids are soooooo sick! Vomit and diarrhea, temps over 103... Brody back on the vent and almost rushed to the hospital this morning... It just never ends!
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Poop and puke everywhere

Since coming home from his ER visit Cameron has vommitted on every square in of this house including the cat! He diarhea'd ALL over Brett and has now passed it on to his brother. It is a liquid rhea and puke factory over here. Good times!!!

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