It has been a very productive week. Cameron now weighs 5lbs 10oz!!! Brody is 5lbs 3.5 oz. Brody was switched from CPAP to high flow cannula... it is much more comfortable for him as he wears a ton less equipment and can move around more comfortably. Cam's reflux is still bugging him and impeding on our feeding and respiratory progress a bit but he has been nursing like a champ... just has to get the bottle thing down. Brody has been taking about 10cc's from a bottle! Insane to think of how far that little guy has come. They thought trach-he put that to rest. They thought G-tube (feeding tube that is put in surgically that he would go home with) and he put that to rest too. Kid is a fighter. He also has a great demeanor. He's a really happy baby. He is soooooo alert and has the biggest eyes and loves to watch everything around him. Cam on the other hand gets aggitated easily and is fussy but if I had the kind of reflux he had I'd be pretty pissed too.

Got Milk?? Cam after his GI study... a little barrium for breakfast
Their due date is Tuesday. Strange to put an experience to exactly how early they were born. Wouldn't it be great if I could just call their birth date January 11th and pretend like the last 4 months never happened. It will be a few years yet but one day their actual birthdate and adjusted age will merge and this will all just be a memory.
110 days in NICU and we still have a ways to go but I am so proud of their progress.
Their room is looking awesome. Have to post new pics of the fatties and their sophisticated dwelling that awaits them.
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