Thursday, May 5, 2011

And we keep on keeping on

Brody's surgery went well-pretty routine. It was the 'after' part that has continued to challenge us. When Brody was finally able to start the weaning process from the ventillator a few days after surgery he was making great progress... then...stop. We found out that he had a pretty bad infection that would hinder the initial expectations of him being on room air after his trach. We are finally seeing the beginnings of the Brody we know. He was able to start eating by mouth (just 1 feeding a day) 2 days ago and is doing great with it but we have to be extra guarded as feedings can be dangerous to a baby like him if not managed properly. He also tried his voice valve today. Its something we have to work up to as it redirects the air and can be uncomfortable but eventually it will allow him to coo, cry and make whatever sounds he can past his paralyzed vocal chord. We will have nursing 24 hours a day for a while and LOTS of equipment at home but it is all temporary and we need to be patient. He will be home some time next week.

Cam is kicking baby butt at home. He is over 12 pounds now. He sees his vision therapist once a week and we feel like we are already seeing more purposeful gazing and his exploration of the world around him is increasing every day. He is SUCH a HAPPY boy! I am usually awoken by the sound of his chatter in the mornings over my video monitor and wake to find him flipped on his belly from the 'back is best' position he starts out in. He is doing great with holding up his head and bearing weight on those fat legs of his. He will definately walk before he crawls. As I type I am listening to the sweet sound of his coos to the christmas lights we have dangling over his pack n play as part of his therapy. He's quite the chatterbox. Tonight Daddy took him out back to play some airplane without accounting for the last time he ate and learned immediately that it was not long enough before shaking up the kid. Puke. Oh and he loves Beyonce "Single Ladies" or as we sing it "All the single babies!"

All in all, life surely isn't easy but we count our blessings every day and love our two very special miracles every minute.

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