So today was our first venture out of the house for Brodys ENT appt... The next time it rains on the day of one of his doctors appointments I am immediately rescheduling. We have so much equipment to Navigate and then the rain only complicates the process. We all got through the inconvenience and had a decent visit. His larynx looks the best it ever has and there is a slight vibration in the paralyzed chord. Very promising as we wait every day to see if his will come back making breathing, speech and advancing feedings easier/possible. We will wait until hes 18 months to see if it comes back before potenially doing anything surgical to attempt to fix it. Today we discovered that he has fluid in his ears and will be needing tubes placed...add it to the list! Otherwise he Is doing great at home.
Brody is 16lbs 5oz. Cameron 16lbs 14oz. Pretty amazing feat considering where we came from.
A big welcome to the world to Brody and Camerons newest BFF to be Austin Hirsch xoxo

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