We were in Michigan awaiting word if Cameron would be sighted or blind while Brody was in Abington unable to be extubated and having life threatening episodes... Well we've come quite a ways folks. I have had some really bad emotional days lately of frustration, depression and questioning but when I look at where we were a year ago it puts it all into perspective. Our preemie experience will not be one that seems to get better after the first year- surgeries, intense therapies and my answer seeking escapades will continue for quite some time. No matter how tired or beaten down I feel I look at my 20 pounders at less than one year corrected age and know I have to find it in me to fight harder and search further for the unanswered mysteries.... We've gotten them this far and they are fantastic but we still have a lot more work to do.
I look at these little faces every day and know that I have to work through my physical and emotional exhaustion and find the strength


Cam standing/taking first steps without holding on : )

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