Brett asked me today if I can ever stop worrying long enough to smell the roses... My very quick answer was no. It's not that I don't want to be positive but I feel like my job as their mother is to worry so that I can best prepare to combat whatever issues arise. I wish that I could enjoy the good stuff more but it's just the protective nature in me that won't sleep until I know my babies are out of discomfort and on the right track.
So, that blurp fills those trying to get a hold of me recently in on why I haven't called back- super busy, super sick this week, without many nursing shifts since we had to fire a bunch of sucky
ones, and just feeling a bit blah. I'm just not feeling much like Melissa anymore... I'm sure once I'm a little more well rested and have my voice back I will bounce right back.
Anyway enough about me... To the boys. Cameron went to visit a new eye doc at Wills Eye. This is the man we should have gone to for his general opthalmology treatment in Philadelphia all along! We loved him! He was super impressed with how Cameron is using his vision and gave us reason to be very optimistic. He confirmed that his nystagmus ( the horizontal movement of his eyes) is worsened when he's tired, stressed or in pain... And when it is triggered his vision is worse than normal at that time. Which brings us to Cams other issues.
We saw the general surgeon today regarding his reflux and we are trying to stay away from it but surgery may still wind up in his future to intervene the pain and discomfort he has been in for a long time and the impact that these symptoms have had on his development and personality. We will wait until we see ENT on Monday to decide which direction we will be going with this.
We will be having a serious discussion with ENT regarding his enlarged tonsils and adenoids and their role in his discomfort as well. He is one sensitive complex boy but I just want him calm, comfortable and eating, sleeping and speaking again!
So Brody- kicking normal ass. He is a big fan of shaking his head no to every question we ask, laughing at his own toots, attacking the cat and dog and pulling their fur and throwing the occasional temper tantrum. its so cute though. He is developing quite the adorable personality.
Brody does a ton better than Cam with feedings but both have major major issues in this department. It's so hard for me as meal time happens quite often throughout the day and every time it's a fight. We are doing everything we can to make it better with therapy, medical intervention and patience but just seem to be standing still in this department. Probably my biggest frustration these days.
Despite those issues they are both in great health and growing beautifully. We are very very fortunate for that.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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