Wow what a week! Brett and I were soooo sick earlier this week and are still making a very slow recovery. Brody has somehow escaped it as his nurses have been keeping him as far away from us as possible. Poor Cameron has not been able to keep anything down or in from either end since Monday! He didn't have an ounce to spare before this, now he's back to his little skeleton frame. He cant afford to get sick because he is so super sensitive that it throws off his already poor eating and sleeping. I changed his bedding 3 times just last night! The amount of laundry and bleaching going on in this house is obscene.
Winters are really really hard on my guys- they pick up bugs so much easier and don't have the strong immune systems that other kids their age have to fight it off in normal time. Then our focus becomes hydration and comfort and weight gain and development take a back burner. It's a vicious cycle but a HUGE contributor to their setbacks.
I have a ton of cute videos and pics I will try to upload in between laundry loads
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