Thursday, September 26, 2013

All grown up

The boys turned 3 yesterday and I sware they woke up more mature today! Don't get me wrong we has the typical temper tantrums and food throwing but they are real little people. Cam and I have real conversations and he is saying hysterical new things every day. Both kids like to fake injuries to get me to give them kisses and then play off each other. They are tackling and beating each other up and running around chasing one another laughing hysterically. They love to jump on Brody's bed together- of course until someone gets hurt but nonetheless they are interacting and loving each other like they hadn't in the past.

As you all know feeding issues have and will continue to be a problem but we have come sooo far! Cam climbs up to his chair by himself now willingly while it used to be a screaming protest in the past. He had not let anything in his mouth other than a bottle and formula in his mouth since he was 8 months old. He is now eating yogurt, stage 2s and pudding very happily. Today we finally allowed a training cup near his mouth and drank a good quantity from it for the first time ever. How amazing it will be to get rid of that damn bottle!!!

I parked too close to Brett's car and his interpretation of my comment was "mommy hit daddy" and has been saying it since. That combined with "damn balloon" made for a proud parenting day.

Brody loves his new tricycle he got for his birthday and both kids love their princess Sofia castle... Its healthy for boys to play with ALL toys! Hey kids like what they like and I think it's healthy to explore what makes them happy. They like doing pretend play in the different rooms of the castle.

Potty is a big part of our conversations and we sit on it plenty but not making a ton of progress there yet. They will when they're ready... It's not super high on my priority list... It will happen.

2 more weeks until Brody gets capped and then the week after Cam has hernia surgery. We start with all new therapists next week since they graduated out of Early Intervention and into the Intermediate Unit from 3-5. Excited to have a fresh outlook with new eyes and advice.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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