I haven't updated much this week as I wasn't really feeling up to it. Things took a drastic turn when the boys eye exams came on Wednesday. This week both boys were Stage 3 ROP with Plus Disease. Before I had time to process what this could mean the retina surgeon from Wills Eye was there taking both boys into laser surgery. Usually the severity of disease state that the twins have is not seen until 36-37 weeks....they are 32. They have a very fast moving aggressive form of ROP. There is around an 80% chance of success in Brody's case...they were reluctant to give us numbers on Cameron as his was significantly worse. They are czlling it Rush Disease because of the speed with which they were affected by it. If this surgery doesn't stop it the next stage is pre retinal detachment. I can't think of an adjective that exists that could possibly explain how scared we are. Brett and I both really lost it this week. We're not sure how much more we can take at this point.
I held Cameron for 4 hours straight today and didn't want to let him go. When they open their eyes and look at me (and I know they see me)- that is not a feeling I will ever take for granted. Please please please let them be okay.
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