Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wiped Out

I am beyond exhausted after the last few days. Cameron has been doing great off the vent for the last few days. He is 2 lb 4 oz. Brody is 2lbs 7oz but has been a challenge respiratory-wise. His vent slid out 3 days ago so they tried him on CPAP (oxygen support through nose cannula), he didn't do so great. His bloodwork and chest x-ray yesterday told us that he was probably ready to try again. They extubated him and watched for a few hours but learned that while his lungs were ready to do the work his throat was swollen from the vent rubbing and causing an obstruction in his airway. After giving him 3 doses of epi and steroids it was apparent that it wasn't going to work again. Today, after 4 doses of steroids over the last 24 hours we tried again. He has now been intubated/extubated 3 times in 3 days-poor kid. He again wasn't doing so hot right away, I left crying because it was really a lot to handle. 40 minutes later the nurse came to find me to let me know he was doing better. Crossing our fingers and saying more prayers that this is the last time and that Brody is comfortable with his new gear.

Tomorrow I have a photographer coming in to catch some shots of the boys. When I first thought about the idea I couldn't imagine wanting to document this scary time but now I realize how important it is. This experience is a part of who they are and when they are older and towering over us all, they will want to see their very small beginnings.

Finally decided on a color for their room. Hoping to get it painted this weekend and start to get ready for the day that I get the fantastic news that they are coming home...whenever that may be.

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