Friday, December 30, 2011

This time last year

We were in Michigan awaiting word if Cameron would be sighted or blind while Brody was in Abington unable to be extubated and having life threatening episodes... Well we've come quite a ways folks. I have had some really bad emotional days lately of frustration, depression and questioning but when I look at where we were a year ago it puts it all into perspective. Our preemie experience will not be one that seems to get better after the first year- surgeries, intense therapies and my answer seeking escapades will continue for quite some time. No matter how tired or beaten down I feel I look at my 20 pounders at less than one year corrected age and know I have to find it in me to fight harder and search further for the unanswered mysteries.... We've gotten them this far and they are fantastic but we still have a lot more work to do.

I look at these little faces every day and know that I have to work through my physical and emotional exhaustion and find the strength


Cam standing/taking first steps without holding on : )

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

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Cheese curls

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First word... NO

Happy updates:
Cam is crawling up the steps, standing on his own for 10 second intervals and has said a few words... First one-NO!! second word-BALL, while showing us his basketball. He goes in search of the toy we request in a hide and seek like play. He is finally acknowledging and interacting with Brody rather than just stealing his toys... Well he still steals his toys but Brody is starting to fight back.

Brody is getting more comfortable with transition moves and is tolerating different movements much better. He went from screaming and throwing his spoon at me when o presented the idea of baby food a few weeks ago to opening his mouth in anticipation one spoon after another until he finishes off jar after jar. An unimaginable accomplishment from a child we didn't know would ever eat. There is nothing Brody won't be able to do.

Other stuff:

Cams feedings have really been challenging. He is maintaining his weight but just hates to eat... I think he has outgrown his reflux meds so hoping some adjustments will make him more comfortable. We're thinking he also has some sensory integration issues going on as he is always on the move and wasn't liking to get 'dirty' with food so we are seeking extra therapy as well. Baby Bootcamp is in full affect for the winter!

The boys will be one year corrected on 1/11/11. Nothing about daily life is easy but looking at where we came from... They are just the coolest kids ever.

Jump, jump, jump

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