Thursday, July 12, 2012

Medical blog turns Baby Journal

I have acknowledged several times to family members how sad it was to me that I didn't have the opportunity to keep a baby journal of all of the cute, fun stuff that kids do. Instead I keep more of a medical blog of ailments and surgeries. Though unique, I realized that I don't take enough time to document all of the typical baby stuff. Regardless of developmental appropriateness, with my guys it happens when it happens so I'm going to make a point of scribbling some noteworthy accomplishments or funny anecdotes here.
This week:
Cameron crawls up and down on furniture by himself , showing a ton of interest in dog and cat-open hand touching fur, kisses red ball on command, plays in the water mister outside without freaking out
Brody finally drinks from a sippy cup, sucks on pretzel rods, likes to feed everyone, gives hugs! walks holding hands to the playground
Both kids mouthing more objects. Making more eye contact with each other and interaction, Brody pinches Cameron to get his attention and plays with his hair and glasses, kids sit in chairs for more than 2 seconds!!

Cameron being engaging

Brody discovered a new hole!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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